Competitive rates with tiered rates that maximize returns (5 tiers)
  • Easy access to funds: Investment accounts provide easy access to your funds, allowing you to make withdrawals (6 free withdrawals per monthly cycle; $5 fee for withdrawals in access thereafter) or transfers online, at ATMs, or at your local location. Plus, enjoy check writing and check imaging with your statement.
  • Safety and security: FDIC-insured to provide a safe and secure way to store your funds and giving you peace of mind knowing that your money is protected.
  • Flexibility: TexasBank Investment accounts offer flexibility in terms of deposit amounts and withdrawal options, making them suitable for both short-term and long-term savings goals.
  • $25,000 minimum to open and avoid the $10 monthly service charge by maintaining a minimum daily balance of $1,000 or more
  • Free digital banking services included.
  • Full Truth in Savings disclosures and other applicable account disclosures are provided at account opening

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Serving the great state of Texas for four generations.